Wednesday 23 November 2011

Benefits of Having White Teeth

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so why not make it beautiful? A brilliant white smile has more benefits than you would think. Here are a few reasons why a beautiful smile could do wonders for your life.
  1. It helps you express confidence and self assurance, inspiring trust for you in others as well as making people feel like your on their side
  2. A beautiful smile makes people more comfortable around you and are happier to spend their time with you.
  3. It helps encourage people to smile back at you, which in turn helps them associate smiling around you so they will more often
  4. Makes a positive first impression that will help establish a new and healthy relationship
  5. Last but not least, it will help you feel more confident and sure of yourself, which in the end is the most important thing

Top 10 Foods That Stain Teeth

Love coffee but not the stains? Your caffeinated beverages aren't the only food related items you should watch out for if you want to keep your teeth white. Here is the list of the top 10 foods that can stain your teeth:

1. Coffee
2. Blueberries
3. Red Wine
4. Cola
5. Cranberry Juice
6. Popsicles or Slushies
7. Soy Sauce
8. Balsamic Vinegar
9. Tomato Sauce
10. Beets

So if you want to keep your smile dazzling and bright, only eat or drink this list in moderation!